The Atlanta TV weather forecasters are excited about the increasingly likely rain next week. In Atlanta, at least, the rain is supposed to start Monday evening and last potentially through Wednesday. At one time they showed rain contours that indicated up to three inches in the Rome area. I think that might be an optimistic estimate, but it sure looks like we’ll get some.
If we get an appreciable amount, it will be the first since we moved into our house in late July.
Given the probabilities, I decided I should spread some wheat straw around the house.
I got 25 bales. In this area wheat straw goes for around $6 a bale. I went to a local hardware store and got it for about a dollar a bale less than the big-box home store.
I got about a third of it on the ground Saturday afternoon.
Almost all of our yard looks like the red clay in this shot. I’ll spread the remaining bales Sunday.
If we get rain I hope it washes these little kittie tracks away.
These have been here since the light shower we got back in the middle of the summer. I think they’re Chloe’s. Leah asked me to sweep them off the drive, but they don’t sweep. It’s going to take water.
I hope we get some.