In these parts, when someone says, “snow”, everyone instinctively heads to the grocery store and buys bread and milk, and the Atlanta TV weather forecasters said the word. So, that’s what the bread section looked like at our local Walmart when we went there Friday night. After my peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch on Friday, I was down to one slice of bread, so I legitimately needed another loaf of bread. I don’t know how that happened, since loaves of bread typically have an even number of slices, and all of my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches consist of two slice of bread sandwiching peanut butter and jelly. You are welcome to count the slices of bread in any new loaf you have, but if you find an odd number, don’t call me. Report a defective loaf to the manufacturer.
To be honest, there are lot of other places in the store where the shelves are pretty sparsely stocked, but not because of impending snowy doom. It’s just the way things are today. We have been looking for several days for our cats’ favorite canned food (salmon pate with extra gravy), but the cat food shelves have been essentially empty since at least Wednesday. I would insert a photo of the canned cat food shelves I texted to Leah on Wednesday to show her the pitiful state of canned cat food in America today, but it looks pretty much like the photo of the bread shelves, so just refer back to the top of this post.
To be honest, on Friday night one of the store employees went to the stock rooms in the back of the store and brought out a case of our cats’ favorite food, so they are in no danger of starving.
To be honest, our cats were not really in danger of starving. We had plenty of dry food and at least some canned food already. I don’t know what other cat owners will be serving their cats over the weekend. Snow, I guess.
To be honest, when it comes to empty bread shelves, there were a few of the more seedy, grainy types of bread to the left of these shelves. Those are the type that no one wants during a snow disaster, and they are the type that I usually buy, so I can have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch on Saturday. And so, with salmon pate with extra gravy and a loaf of bread, we are ready for the blizzard.
To be honest, we aren’t going to get a blizzard. There really is going to be snow, along with potentially ice, Saturday night and Sunday, mainly in the northeastern part of the state, where the mountains are higher and the air is colder. Road crews from Atlanta northeastward are busy scurrying around spraying the highways with salt in preparation for frozen precipitation. Here in the northwest corner of the state, we are at the boundary between nothing and a dusting. We will not get salty roads, but we are not worried. We are expected to get strong winds, which might blow over a few trees, possibly causing a power outage for us, so we might still freeze to death, even without snow.
To be honest, we will not freeze, unless it gets very cold and the cold weather lasts for a long time, because we have a wood-burning stove with about a week’s worth of dry firewood. But if the power outage lasts for more than a week, we might still freeze to death.
To be honest, we are unlikely to freeze to death even then, because there is more firewood around our property that I can get fairly easily, for some values of “easily”, and it is highly unlikely that it will stay that cold for that long. If it does stay that cold for that long, it is probably the end of the world, so maybe freezing to death would be a better choice than seeing what comes after the end of the world.
Although, to be honest, the end of the world might not look a lot different from the way it looks right now.