Four months in

My brother is currently on his second type of chemotherapy treatment for metastatic pancreatic cancer. The first, which was a conventional type, did essentially nothing but make him lose his hair. The results of the second, a targeted therapy given orally, are not known yet. However, he has been having some significant pain, probably due to a tumor pressing on a nerve. He has been on morphine and oxycodone, which gives an idea of the level of the pain.

The last time I went to Chattanooga, he was pretty much his old self, but had been having enough pain that he took his pain pills. As the afternoon wore on, his pain subsided, but so did his alertness. But the time I left, he was half dozing in the living room, occasionally waking up enough to make confused comments that conflated his dreams with the conversation the rest of us were having.

We spoke to him on the phone Sunday evening. He voice sounded terrible and he sounded confused. I think it was partly due to the effect of his therapy, which makes him hoarse, and partly due to the effects of the pain medication he’s on. He said he felt pretty bad. His wife suggested that we call back right after lunch on Monday, which we did. He didn’t answer. Later Monday evening his wife texted us that he had gone to the hospital, where they had found elevated bilirubin levels. This could be caused by a tumor blocking a bile duct.

I’m planning to drive up to Chattanooga Tuesday (the day of this post) to visit him in the hospital. I hope they know something by the time I get there.

My brother was diagnosed just before Thanksgiving, so about four months ago. The median survival rate for untreated cancer at his stage is about three and a half months. With “good” treatment this increases to about eight months.

My brother’s younger son and his new wife were planning a family week at the beach next week, but it’s not looking like that will not happen.

In which a question is not answered

One day in May 1950, my father and my brother Henry drove to McCall Hospital a few blocks from downtown Rome to pick up my mother and me. McCall Hospital was where I had made my first appearance on Planet Earth on the 18th. I don’t remember that day, but Henry does.

Henry was not quite three years old on that day. He says he remembers an image of the hospital, like a snapshot. Kind of like this:

Image from the Georgia Archives at the University of Georgia

This was McCall Hospital near that far, distant point in the past, probably a few years before my debut. My family took me home to a house on Redmond Road on that day. Maybe they stopped by my grandmother’s house on the way home.

McCall hospital was founded about a hundred years ago. I was born there. So was Leah. It operated as a hospital until around 1977, when the Hospital Corporation of America bought it, and then closed it the next year. The building was sold and operated as a boys’ home until 1986. It was sold again and operated as apartments, changing ownership several times until around 2010. It was then sold to the city (purchase price: $69,300, demolition cost bringing total expenditure to $290,000). This is what it looks like now.

Now it’s apartments

It’s a nice building, but it’s not McCall Hospital. That building was demolished. The hospital where I was born is gone now. So is the house my family took me home to, and my grandmother’s house. So are my mother and father. And now, the only person I know who actually remembers all of those places is making a slow goodbye to all that, and to all of us, too.

As I mentioned when I first mentioned my brother’s pancreatic cancer, I feel that I am betraying my brother when I say something like that. But those are the facts, and, as that great philosopher Joe Friday said, all we want are the facts, ma’am.

I went up to Chattanooga where Henry and his wife live on Monday of last week to help him prune some crepe myrtles growing up into the utility lines in front of their house. Henry wasn’t sure at first he would need my help, but after a few minutes of trying to hold an extension pruning saw up over his head, he said maybe he could point and I could cut.

So we worked for a while, and then Henry told me he was going to see his wife’s son Keith at Keith’s studio. Keith is a videographer. Keith and I had essentially the same thought at the same time. When Henry told me of his diagnosis, I said he should start writing his biography. I said that his two sons would appreciate it, just like we would have appreciated it if our father had written about his life. And, I said, if his sons ever have children, they will never know their grandfather, except through something like that. Keith said essentially the same thing, but since he’s a videographer, he wanted to video Henry talking about his life.

And so that’s what Henry did that afternoon, after we drove by McDonald’s so Henry could get a Big Mac. He said that one effect of his chemotherapy was that things that he used to like don’t taste good any more, but a Big Mac was OK.

Keith set up a stool in his studio and trained his video camera on Henry, and let Henry talk, prompting him every once in a while. I watched on a monitor in an adjoining room, only a few feet from Henry and Keith.

Watching and listening to Henry talk, about himself some, but mostly about the people in his life, was moving. We shared a lot of experiences, of course, and I knew most of what had happened to him after he left home for Georgia Tech, but these were Henry’s perceptions of the events, and they were just different enough from mine.

Henry and I were often confused for twins when we were kids, although we never thought we looked that much alike. I have heard of twins who were separated at birth but who did things and made choices that were almost identical over the years. Henry and I were a little bit like that. We have both had facial hair almost since we were able to grow it. Over the years we went from full beards to shaved faces, back to beards, then to goatee and moustache. It seemed like every time I changed my facial hair, I found out that Henry had done much the same at close to the same time. We also seem to think a lot alike, and of the same things at close to the same times. Henry’s older son Thomas had to put his dog Cooper down last week. I texted Henry to get an email address so Leah and I could send our condolences to him. He texted it to me. The next day when I was walking our dogs, I started thinking about Thomas and Cooper and almost immediately Henry texted me to make sure I had Thomas’s email.

I have followed in Henry’s footsteps almost my entire life, never quite making it like he did. He went to Georgia Tech the summer after he graduated from high school. Ten years later he had a PhD. Three years after him, I graduated from high school and followed him to Tech, but within a week I knew it was not for me. Not until 12 years later did I finally go back to grad school at Tech and fool enough people to get my own PhD.

Henry ended up working in the defense industry. Even with a degree in a much different field from Henry, I ended up in the defense industry, too.

Henry went down to the Gulf Coast on his vacation to help people whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. The experiences he had down there convinced him to quit his job and go to work full-time with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. He told Keith and me he found that the people he went down to help were actually helping him, too. And that experience convinced him to enter seminary school. He said it was the first time he had ever simply jumped without knowing exactly where he would land.

I with I could have been there at the seminary to see his instructors dealing with a PhD scientist older than most of them and probably knowing a hell of a lot more than they did. And Henry can be kind of prickly on occasion. I suppose that’s another trait we share.

After seminary school, Henry ended up at a very small church in Spring City, Tn, with a group of parishioners who had split from their old church over admission of gay people to the ministry. They, like Henry, were on the right side of that issue. Henry helped the congregation grow, and grow close to each other. He said they are like family.

Henry texted us Thursday to let us know the results of his latest CT scan, the one that we hoped would show shrinkage of the tumors in his liver due to the chemo. It did not. He said he has felt some minor, infrequent pain and is more fatigued than normal. He and his doctor have identified three clinical trials in the Chattanooga area that he would probably qualify for.

It’s possible that one of the new treatments being tested will give Henry some additional time. We look for something to hope for, so we hope for that.

It’s human nature to ask why something like this happens to someone like Henry. We ask the question, but I’m afraid there is no answer. Maybe Henry thinks there is an answer, possibly unknowable to us. He does, after all, still have his faith.

Unfortunately for me, I suppose, that’s one place I could never follow him.

The Kings of Denmark

It has been seven years since my fourth and last Doberman Pinscher died. I have thought about, maybe, some day, getting another one. Someone I used to work with said you can’t be loyal to a dog, but you can be loyal to a breed. But for some reason, I have mixed feelings about getting another Doberman. Maybe it’s because I’m trying to be loyal to a dog.

So occasionally when I think about another dog, I think about a breed other than a Doberman. One day about a month ago I told Leah, “Hey, we should get a Great Dane!”

Imagine a dog bigger than Leah! Imagine him lying on the sofa with us, or pushing us off the bed at night, if we let him sleep in bed with us. Imagine how much dog food he would eat. Imagine walking him. I used to think a Doberman was a big dog until I saw one of mine standing next to a Great Dane.

Planning for a new dog is not an urgent problem. We have three dogs, which is, at a minimum, one too many. Two is a full house, three is a madhouse. Of course Zeke is getting old. We will have had him 11 years this summer, so he will be at least 12. He’s still healthy, but he’s a graybeard now. Lucy is also a graybeard. We don’t know how old she is, maybe 12, maybe 14. She, too, is old but showing no signs of declining health. Sam is a real youngster. So I doubt that our dog roster will get any shorter for a while. But isn’t it good to plan?

So I was thinking, if we get a Great Dane, what will we name him? I’m not great at choosing names. Not an urgent problem, but no harm in checking, right? So what about naming him (or her) after one of the kings of Denmark?

I Googled the kings of Denmark, searching for a good dog name. I was amazed to see that the list goes back more than 1000 years, to Gorm the Old, who reigned from around 940 to 958 AD. He died at about 58 years old. Gorm? I don’t think so.

Then there are Harald, Sweyn, Cnut and Harthacnut. Harald is a possibility, but I don’t think I like it. Sweyn is too hard to say. Cnut (even Cnut the Great) won’t work. For one thing, it violates my first rule for naming dogs: you must be able to visualize yourself shouting the name at the top of your lungs, and you cannot shout Cnut. No way. Harthacnut is ridiculously long for a dog’s name, plus there’s that “cnut” hiding at the end.

Magnus the Good might work. Magnus was a bastard child who died without children at age 23 on 25 October 1047. I wonder how true that date is, and if it has been adjusted for changes in the calendar.

Olaf, Eric and Niels don’t seem like dog names. Valdemar is too much like a fantasy villain. Abel might work, but Christopher doesn’t. There are a lot of Christians and Fredericks, definitely not dog names.

The one thing the kings of Denmark seem to have in common, along with names unsuitable for a dog, was that most of them died young. Most of those who did not die in their 20’s or 30’s died before 60. A very few of the ancient kings of Denmark lived into their 70’s. The oldest I could find was Christian IX, who died in 1906 at age 87, a remarkable outlier. Of course the more recent kings or queens generally lived somewhat longer than the ancient kings of Denmark. But most of the kings of Denmark were younger than I am when they died.

I did not find a good king’s name for a Great Dane, except for possibly Magnus, but looking at their ages at death made me think about something else. When we humans get a pet dog or cat, we have to prepare ourselves for the fact that that dog or cat is almost certainly going to die before we do. That’s true for most of our lives, but at some point, at some age, we have to understand that a new dog or cat could well outlive us.

Leah would like to have a Siamese cat, like she used to have, one that might provide some of the emotional interaction that none of our current cats does. I would like to have another Doberman, or maybe a Great Dane. Neither of us is morbidly waiting around for our current cats and dogs to die, but, realistically, they probably will all die before we do. And at that point we have to think about how we will ensure that our responsibilities to any new cat or dog are carried out if our pets outlive us. Neither of us expects to die any time soon, but both of us are at an age that, if a 30-year-old read the obituary, they wouldn’t say, “They died so young!”

Maybe we should consider adopting senior pets, if we live long enough.

Rusty Girl

It’s been two weeks ago today, Sunday, two days after Christmas, that we took Rusty girl to emergency vet.

Rusty and Dusty arrived with their mother after being dumped up here just after we moved in.

Dusty, Rusty and Chloe, 10 years ago

Dusty, Rusty and Chloe, 10 years ago

Chloe actually had three kittens. The third kitten was part Siamese. He was probably a Seal or chocolate point if you’re familiar with the breed. He looked all Siamese except that the tip of his tail was white. He was so different from Rusty and Dusty. They were partially feral but he wasn’t. He was so friendly and they were so shy. I am a “cat” person and wanted to keep all but we were able to find him a home. We went through years and years of animals being dumped and finding homes for them. It was mostly dogs rather than cats but we did have some cats.

Last summer Rusty had a persistent cough so we took her to the vet. She had not been to the vets in ten years, when they first showed up. She got her first and last set of shots then. I felt like when we took her last summer the vet just threw it off as allergies. He could have done a blood test, but he didn’t.

rusty lying

Rusty was such a sweet, shy, timid girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly. She and Dusty wanted to come in but were afraid. I felt sorry for them having to be outdoor cats. I fed them daily and watched over them for ten years.

rusty and dusty

Two weeks ago today Rusty, who I knew wasn’t well, had come around to the front porch and jumped on the railing that morning. I told Mark I didn’t see how she had the strength to jump that high and far. Something about her told me it was time to take her to the vet.

After the summer event at the vets I decided to go to another veterinarian. She diagnosed Rusty with Feline HIV. I couldn’t believe it. Where we live most of the cats are mine and the others are so far away I couldn’t figure out how she could have been infected. The likely culprits, Smokey and Sylvester, both tested negative. We have to test Chloe and Dusty next, but I doubt that they are infected.

The poor, little thing had a temperature about 10 degrees below normal and her breathing was labored. The vet said there was no hope for her, so of course I agreed to put her to sleep. I know she was in pain. So I did. I guess she’s in “kitty heaven” now. We buried her in the yard close to the cat house where she stayed so much.

Rusty on her house

Rusty on her house

I feel so sorry for Dusty now being alone, so I’m constantly going to see him and comforting him, trying to get him to come in. I hope by the time we move he will be coming in and giving Sylvester and Smokey hell for all the crap they did to the both of them for the past seven or eight years!

Smokey, not chasing Rusty and Dusty for a change

Smokey, not chasing Rusty and Dusty for a change

She was precious. I miss her.


Rusty and her mom

Rusty and her mom

One of her protected perches

One of her protected perches

Rusty, finding shade in the early days

Rusty, finding shade in the early days

Monster in the attic

My brother and I found this note stashed away among pictures and documents that my mother had saved. It’s from my mother to my father, who was called Vaughan, his and my middle name, by family.


It’s a little hard to read, so here’s what my mother wrote:


We have something in the cabinet over the stove or in the attic or in the vent pipe. It sounds big.”

Then, after the drawing of some kind of sharp-toothed and –clawed animal with a yawning mouth, my father replied:

“You think I’m going in the attic if it sounds like that?”

This note was from some time in the 1970’s I think. It was written on a little pad from the Celanese plant where my mother worked. I remember the incident; it was a mouse that had somehow fallen into the stud cavity in the kitchen wall and was unable to get out. We first heard it, then smelled it after it died. I fished it out after it became mummified.

I also remember adding the “something” in the drawing.

I don’t know exactly why my mother saved the little note along with so many other more understandable things, but I’m glad she did.