Friday Felines

Dusty is the most skittish cat we have. He will come up to me, but not Mark. He runs if you move too quickly. He likes to lie down where he’s at least partially hidden.

Dusty in the grass

Dusty in the grass

He gets up under the long ornamental grass at the end of the driveway and seems perfectly happy to stay for hours. But he got suspicious when Mark took this picture with his iphone, and right after this shot, he ducked into the culvert. We think he might sleep in the culvert, but we know for sure it’s one of his favorite boltholes.


Friday Felines

Zoe and Chloe have a love-hate relationship. For Chloe, it’s mostly love, so you know where that leaves the hate.

Zoe starts out all lovey-dovey.



But it always turns ugly. First he starts to push her around.



And then, if we don’t bring out the Cat Corrector, he gets really mean. Usually just the sound it makes when we pick up the spray bottle is enough for Zoe to wander off innocently.

He has gotten really mean at times, but Chloe always seems to forgive him.

Chloe, dear, he’ll never change.


Friday Felines

Zoe has been an indoor cat all of his life. That’s about 10 years. Now, because Mark finally got tired of his disgusting bathroom habits (which involve tracking various materials throughout the house — Mark), he spends almost all his time outdoors. He only comes in for his eyedrops and to eat, and occasionally to take a nap on the couch.

Poor, tired Zoe crashes on the couch

Poor, tired Zoe crashes on the couch

He almost always sleeps with his tongue sticking out a little.

Friday Felines

Zoe thinks he can’t be seen.

Zoe and the fern

Zoe and the fern

I took the fern down to water it and he thought it would make a nice, cool place to spend some time on a hot afternoon.

Mark needs to restain the deck here. Zeke and one of the dogs we have found new homes for did some racing around on the walkway a couple of years ago and they managed to scratch a lot of the stain off.

Friday Felines

Chloe has started coming back in every so often. She slept on our bed a couple of times last weekend. She finds a nice, comfortable spot on the bedspread at the foot of the bed on my side. Mark is so long that his feet interfere, so she likes my side. Plus, she seems to like my underthings more than his.

That seems to fit pretty well

That seems to fit pretty well