Leah and I were driving back home from town Friday night close to dusk. The sky was full of clouds lit by the setting sun. A view of the sunset itself would have been nice, but we had to settle for this.

This is the view from our front porch looking east over town.
The sky had been full of puffy cumulus clouds all day. There were some thundershowers 20 or 30 miles south of us. They didn’t come to visit here, unfortunately. We are quite dry here, although there has been a lot of rain all around us. We have watched significant storms brew and creep around us, parting as they crossed over us so we remained dry, or simply disappearing before they reached us. This is a typical summertime pattern.
Our Atlanta TV meteorologists have attributed some of our current weather to Tropical Storm Barry, which is really too far away to have much effect here. We are hoping some of the moisture channeled up from the Gulf will make its way here and maybe cause enough rain to encourage our new plantings to live another day.