It seems like we see some of the most dramatic skies when we’re on our way home from the grocery store. Unfortunately, there are not many place where we can get a really good, unobstructed view of the sky. We managed to get these with my iPhone Friday night.
Crossing the railroad tracks
The area in the photo below was logged a few months ago in preparation for putting it on the market, so it’s fairly open. This is the same dark cloud.
This cloud looked like a smoke plume. It was dark because it was so low. The clouds behind it are much higher and are still illuminated by the sun.
The area in the shot below is open because Georgia Power is dumping fly ash from the nearby coal-fired power plant. It’s near where Fouche Gap Road meets Huffaker Road. This is a panorama. Click for a bigger view
If you look carefully (or maybe not so carefully) you can see some artifacts of the stitching. I use Photoshop Elements, which does a pretty good job of stitching shots together, but the shots need to be done carefully. I tilted my phone to avoid some chain link fencing in the foreground, so I had to let PE do some stretching and filling to get a rectangular image. I had a third shot with the moon, but PE wasn’t able to do a decent job stitching all three images together. That was my fault.