Fall clouds

We have had nearly perfect fall weather for a long time. The temperatures were cool to warm during the days and cool to slightly cold at night. The sky was either deep blue or deep blue with puffy white clouds sailing around. Those days reminded me of an elementary school child’s sky drawing, or maybe the opening credits of The Simpsons.

These are some clouds we say Wednesday afternoon. You can see ice crystals falling out of the cloud on the right (virga).


These are some thin clouds we saw later that evening. The conditions were favorable for iridescent clouds, but, alas, there were none.


Looking the other way we could see a train of clouds dropping virga.


Despite some clouds, the skies were mostly clear and blue for the last couple of weeks. And then Saturday morning it was overcast.


The forecast was for a good chance of rain Monday through Wednesday. Fortunately, our roof is supposed to be completed by Sunday.

Finally fall

Fall has finally come to north Georgia. We had about an inch and three quarters of rain a few days ago, and then a couple of cloudy days, but Monday morning was clear and cool. It was foggy when I took the dogs for their walk.



There was a little wind that blew the fog through the trees.

It’s prime time for funnel web spiders.


There are so many along the road, it’s a little mind-boggling to think about how many of these spiders must inhabit this little patch of forest.

A little further down Fouche Gap Road the sun made another nice shot above the trees.


It was too bright to get a good shot of the fog, but I did catch something else about 35 or 40 feet above the road, just below the treeline.


I would never have seen it if not for the dew on the web and the angle of the sun.

We walked up to the house on the way back so I could check on a material delivery. Most of the fog was gone.


As we west down on our walk I could see that the valley was pretty much filled with fog. I had been thinking that we were up in the clouds, but we were actually just sticking up above the fog.

Cloud spotting

The sale of digital cameras is apparently slowing down because everyone now carries a cell phone that can take pictures almost as good as many cameras, at least much of the time. I have fallen prey to that same practice; the camera on my iPhone takes such good pictures in many situations that I rarely take a camera with me. Leah and I regretted that choice on Tuesday.

We had been downtown that evening and were driving back home just as the sun was setting. We were commenting all the way from town about how beautiful the clouds were, and how they looked like a painting. Then we turned onto Technology Parkway, which turns into Huffaker Road, and leads almost due west for several miles. That put the sunset directly ahead of us down the road. This sunset was one of the most beautiful, impressive and unusual ones that we had ever seen. Most of the clouds were dark against the sky. The sun was directly behind some clouds in the far distance. Those clouds were outlined by a brilliant, neon orange rim, and pink and gray crepuscular rays shot out around them. So I pulled out my phone and tried to take a picture. Unfortunately, since this situation was not one of those that a phone camera does well, you will have to take my word for it. Here’s the photo.


Cell phone cameras have wide angle lenses, which I usually like for landscapes, but in this case I desperately needed a zoom lens. The part of the image I wanted is very small in the original shot, and cropping down that much requires a lot more resolution than the cell phone camera can provide. I cropped it down here so you can get a vague idea of what we saw.


It is an understatement to say that these images don’t do justice to the scene as we saw it. I’ve learned a lesson from this: from now on, I’m taking a camera.

However, the cell phone did a great job for this image.


These clouds show a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the atmosphere. They are basically just like breaking waves in the ocean. There are plenty of much better examples online, but this is one of the best I have seen recently.

One of the things I like about seeing phenomena like this is that they tell you what’s going on in the atmosphere. From a distance I can tell that the atmosphere is stratified and that there are layers of air moving at different velocities. The wave clouds are right that the interface of those two layers. That kind of information doesn’t give me any practical benefit, but I like having it anyway.

Late evening house update

We’re back. Uncertainty is still with us, but I guess that’s always going to be the case. So, on to the blogging.

This was the eastern sky at around 7:30 pm EDT on Monday, Sept 7.


This was the same view at about the same time on Tuesday.


It had been raining a little and was still sprinkling up on the mountain. The bright clouds are quite high, since they are further in the distance than the darker clouds above them in the photo but they are still illuminated by the setting sun. The taller one might have been a weak storm, but the radar on my phone’s weather app didn’t show much happening down that way.

Not much has been happening with the new house. Neighbor John did some grading where the septic system was installed, and our well is now in. The well driller finished about three weeks ago at a depth of 310 feet, a flow of about five gallons per minute, and about 200 gallons in the well itself. That is slightly deeper than our current well (280 feet), and a lot shallower than our next-door-neighbor’s well, which is about 500 feet and produces about three gallons per minute. Hydrology escapes me.

I told the well driller not to install the pump since we don’t need it right away.

There was a rumor that our framer will start soon, but I haven’t actually heard anything from the framer himself. This puts us about a month and a half behind where I wanted to be on the new house.

The current house is coming along, although somewhat slowly. I have almost finished the lower section of wall in our downstairs den, a problem which has been delaying starting the flooring. This picture, taken Tuesday night, tells the story.

den progress

As you can see, the floor is bare concrete. The beam you can just see at the top of the photo has been sheathed in stained pine like the upstairs beams. There is a stack of flooring to the left of the stairs. The stair treads are finished and laid in place but not nailed. I have all the finished wood I need to complete the stairs. That should go reasonably quickly. The wainscoting on the far wall is what has taken so long. Here’s a closer shot where it joins the hearth.


The wainscoting is made from plywood beadboard. We used the same stain as on all the upstairs trim (Colonial Maple), but in the years since the upstairs was trimmed out, Colonial Maple has developed a redder hue.

The part of the process that took the longest time was finishing the wood. All the wood took multiple coats of stain, and then two coats of polyurethane.

The unfinished wood going up from the wainscoting will eventually be covered with stained boards, but I can do that after the flooring is done, and I really want to get the flooring installed.

The flooring is done in the bedroom right next to the den.



I haven’t finished installing the baseboards because I can’t hang the door because the flooring in the den is not done.

The downstairs bathroom is complete (yay!).


I am waiting to floor the bedroom closet to make sure we have enough flooring for the den. Once the floor is down in the den, I’ll do the closet. Then all we will lack to have a completely finished downstairs is a little trim around the sliding glass door, baseboards and three doors.

Parking lot clouds

As seems to be the usual case, we saw some nice clouds on Friday when we went to the grocery store. And, as usual, it was hard to get a good shot. This was what we saw when we walked out into the parking lot.

walmart clouds 25 julyOr at least this is something like what we saw. I tried a panorama.

clouds 25 july pano


It was quite a sky. Too bad the pictures don’t really do it justice.