Fog, glorious fog

On overcast or rainy days around here, it’s fairly common for the bottoms of the clouds to be lower than the top of Lavender Mountain. Those low clouds become thick fog for us up here on the mountain. Sometimes the fog closes in and visibility drops to a few dozen yards. We have had that kind of weather several times over the last few days.

We have flood lights on the corners of the house and some bright low-voltage spot lights at ground level behind the house. When I walk the dogs around the house late on a foggy night, I cast a shadow on the fog itself. It’s hard to get a decent photograph of it. This is the best I could do.

My shadow in the fog

My shadow in the fog

I had to enhance this image in Photoshop Elements. That caused a lot of noise in the image that makes the fog seem grainy. But one thing you can see is the brightness of the fog around my shadow.

This is what you get when you use a flash. The reflected light completely washes out anything in the scene, and the resulting image is nothing but noise.

Nothing but fog

Nothing but fog

Zeke sat down to wait for me while I fiddled with the camera. I tried to get a shot of him, but, even though he was close and there did not seem to be much fog between us, this is all I could get.

Zeke in the fog, waiting patiently

Zeke in the fog, waiting patiently

I took shot of the front of the house. It was a kind of neat scene, but it was also a hard image to get, especially with the little point-and-shoot camera I was using.

The front of the house

The front of the house

All of these images illustrate some of the interesting things that happen when light goes through fog. The effects are caused by the scattering of light from water drops. Water drops tend to scatter light strongly back towards the source. That’s what happened when I used the flash; a lot of light was scattered (reflected) right back at the camera, flooding the sensor and washing out anything that otherwise have been visible in the scene.

Light is also scattered strongly into the forward direction, that is, the direction that the light was originally traveling. When you see a bright light in a foggy scene, like the floodlights in the picture of the front of our house, you will probably notice that the light itself looks bright, but there is also a lot of glare around the light. That is light being forward scattered.

The way light is scattered into all directions around a water drop is called the scattering phase function. If you could see it plotted, you would see that some light is scattered into all directions around a water drop, but there is a lot more in the backward (towards the light source) and forward directions.

All this is fairly wonky, but it leads to some really neat things, like, for example, the glory. The glory has been noted for hundreds, if not thousands of years, mainly in regions with high mountains where the clouds are sometimes lower than the tops of the mountains. If a person is on the top of a mountain, and there are clouds below the top of the mountain, and the sun is behind his back, sometimes if he looks down towards the clouds, he will see his shadow cast on the clouds, and there will be something that looks like a halo around his head. That is the glory.

If two people are standing together looking down at their shadows, each one will see a glory only around his own body. It’s easy to understand why someone who doesn’t know what causes a glory to think that it must mean that the person who sees it is special.

Probably the most common place to see glories today is from an airliner. If the sun is in the right place, and the plane is flying over clouds, and you are in the right seat to see the plane’s shadow, you will probably see a glory around the shadow of the plane.

There are several explanations for the glory, but they seem unnecessarily complicated to me. It seems to me that the scattering phase function explains it pretty well. When the light is coming from directly behind you, your head will cast a shadow, but the light that passes around your head will be scattered strongly back towards the source; in other words, directly back towards you. Thus you will see a bright area around the shadow of your head. The glory is often colored, which also doesn’t seem to require a very complicated explanation, since a similar effect can be seen in every rainbow.

You can see a more pedestrian version of this almost any time the sun is out. Just stand so that you can see your own shadow. Most of the time whatever surface you are standing on will tend to reflect light more strongly directly back towards the source than in other directions. This will cause the ground or other surface to look brighter right around the shadow of your head. This is often a subtle effect, but if you look carefully you ought to be able to see it. A roughish surface, like grass, is better than a smooth surface like a concrete patio.

So, when you’re out looking around, keep looking up, but don’t forget to look down sometimes, too.

Sunrise, sunset

We had a nice sunrise this morning.

Sunrise, 5 November 2013

Sunrise, 5 November 2013

After sunrise it was mostly cloudy during the day. And then, just as the sun went down, it cleared up enough to get a decent shot of the sunset — only looking east instead of west.

Sunrise, 5 November 2013

Sunrise, 5 November 2013

Sunset looking away from the setting sun gives some nice pastels.

This is the best sunset photograph we have ever taken from our deck, mainly because the setting sun is hidden behind all the trees to the south and west. In the future, we’ll have to try looking away from the sun to see what we get.


Fractured sky

When I’m home I try to check out the sunrise every morning. Usually it’s when I take the dogs for their morning walk, but, as I noted in the last post, sometimes things change by the time I get back inside to a camera. This morning I went out on the deck before I walked the dogs, and this is what I saw.

Sunrise, Monday, 23 September

Sunrise, Monday, 23 September

It was a little surprising, because Sunday had been nearly cloud free, and with a frontal passage the weather guys had said the humidity would be low.

By afternoon, the sky had cleared and it turned into one of those great, low-humidity fall days. The sun was bright and almost hot, but the shade was still cool. Nice.

Sunrise in pastels

Some sunrises are dramatic and some are not. This morning’s was not dramatic, but it was nice.

Tuesday morning's sunrise

Tuesday morning’s sunrise

The fog was not as thick down in the valley as in the previous post, but there was some there. It was 68 up on the mountain when we got up. When I drove down into the lowlands, it was 64, a nice inversion. Inversions with fairly high humidity are self limiting, because radiation fog tends to form when the air cools enough. The temperature can’t drop much more once the fog forms.

Low fog

There was nothing unusual about the weather yesterday or this morning. It was partly cloudy last night, and humid. It must have been clear enough to get a good inversion, because there was a thick, uniform layer of fog over the low areas.

Low fog bank

Low fog bank

This was about as flat-topped a fog bank I have seen from up on the mountain. The cloud visible against the mountain in the distance is a layer of thinner, less uniform cloud just on top of the fog.