Cats from the history book.

Baby Zachary feeding from a doll baby bottle
My father, Dan Primm Sr, found Zachary abandoned at a mill in Lindale, Georgia, sometime in the early to mid-60’s. He was so small that he had to be fed by hand with a baby doll bottle. He survived some years into adulthood, but what actually happened to him later is lost among the other cats that passed through our household.

Me and Butch holding hands
Butch was one of the early Siamese cats that my family had in the early 60’s. I think he weighed about 20 pounds. Why can we not hold any of our current crop of cats? Did they make them better in the old days?
Back in those days, not much was known, or at least done, about some of the diseases cats were subject to, so outside cats often died young compared to the age they can attain today. Butch was allowed outside. I can’t remember much about what happened to him, other than that he contracted one of those diseases and died from it.