Friday Felines

Mark has made no secret of the fact that he isn’t really a cat person. He’s a dog person from way back. But for some reason, Zoe seems to be attracted to him, at least at night. Zoe never sleeps in our bedroom when he’s out of town, and he certainly never sleeps on our bed. But when Mark is home, Zoe is usually in the bedroom. Sometimes he jumps up on the bed and lies down on Mark’s side until he comes to bed. Sometimes he makes a bed out of the dirty clothes he leaves on the floor. Last Sunday Mark left his shoes on the towel where we put the water bowl. Zoe found them and used one shoe for a pillow.

Ahh, a nice pillow for my head, next to good, clean water

Ahh, a nice pillow for my head, next to good, clean water

Mark has a cat voice he sometimes uses so Zoe can have conversations with us. In that voice, Mark is the “Daddy Monster.” That’s more like the relationship they have. But for some reason it’s different at night.

Home again

My mother came home from the hospital last Friday. We brought her dog Lucy back from our house, where she had stayed for the week or so that Mother was in the hospital. Lucy was happy again. She jumped up on the bed and settled down next to her. My mother was also happy to see Lulu. My mother will be sleeping mostly on her back now, so Lucy can’t keep her back warm. But maybe she can keep her leg warm, at least for a while.

Warm dog. Good dog

Warm dog. Good dog

I think we’ll inherit Lucy one day in the not too distant future. I prefer big dogs, but there’s really no one else to keep her, and she has been a good companion for my mother for a long time. When the time comes, Lucy will deserve her retirement up on the mountain.

The long and the short

It was cloudy all day Monday, but when we left the hospital that night, it was clear. Not much cooler, but clear enough. The sidewalk was wet and the street looked black and slick. The gravel in our driveway was dark, and water was dripping from the metal roof. It’s easy to understand why people say that dew falls, because the areas under the trees were dry, as if the dew had not fallen through the pine needles. But, of course, dew doesn’t really fall, it condenses on surfaces that have a clear view of the sky. To the infrared eyes of the Earth, a clear night sky is a very cold thing, so the surfaces loses its heat quickly and the moisture in the air condenses on the now-cold surface.

Tuesday morning was still warm. Fog hid everything below the mountain, but we were clear, at least until I took the dogs for a walk.

Zeke and Lucy

Zeke and Lucy

There was a little fog here and there, but it was mostly clear.

Lucy, my mother’s little dog, accompanied Zeke and me. We call her Lucy, Lulu, Lucille, or sometimes Lucifer, but she’s not really a bad dog at all. She has been a true friend and companion for my mother for probably 10 years. We started encouraging Mother to get a dog for company soon after my father died, and eventually she gave in. It’s a funny thing to watch, if you know my mother. She was never a dog person. All our childhood pets had to stay outside, and she never did much more than touch their heads with her fingertips. And now Lucy sleeps on her bed, tucked right up against her back. And she lies on Mother’s lap when Mother reclines and watches NCIS reruns.

Lucy is staying with us until Mother goes home. And then Lucy will go back home with her and keep her back warm until the end.

Friday Felines

Sylvester the joker

Sylvester is many things. He is the sleeper. He is the creeper. He is the midnight peeper.

Sylvester the cat, bolding going where no cat is supposed to go.

Some people call me the gangster of kitty treats

Here he is, along with the treats, my dark beer, the cat corrector (squirt-squirt-squirt), the catnip, and my husband’s wimpy wheat beer. He fears nothing. Except the cat corrector.

There’s the shy Sylvester.

Peek-a-boo, you with the camera

People keep talking about me

And then there is Sylvester the slob.

Fat Albert?

Space cowboy or pompitus of love?

He’s the cutest thing I ever did see.

Friday Felines

These are the stages of sleep.

First, yawning.

Sometimes you feel like a nap.

Sometimes you feel like a nap.

Second, drowsiness.

You're getting sleepy ... your eyelids are getting heavy

You’re getting sleepy … your eyelids are getting heavy

Third, unconsciousness.



This is the longest stage. It can last for hours, sometimes days.

Don’t even think of popping him on the chin to make him bite that little pink tongue. No, I said don’t think about that.