Things fall apart

It seems that every time I turn around, something else has gone wrong.

The gone-wrong thing with the most seniority is the latch mechanism for the storm door on our front porch. Something inside failed, probably a spring. I ordered a new mechanism last summer. The company charged our credit card, but so far I have not seen a new latch mechanism. A few months ago I checked, and they blamed the pandemic. I checked again a few weeks ago, but apparently the pandemic has hindered their ability even to respond to customers.

More recently our dryer started making a loud and terrible screech when we asked it to dry some clothes. I did a little searching online and found some suggestions. I pulled it out, which is a major job since it’s the top of a stacked unit, and it’s pushed back into a small closet off our kitchen. I opened the back and lubricated a tensioner, then I put it back together. When I turned it on, there was no screech. I wasn’t confident that a little oil would solve the problem, so I didn’t push the washer and dryer all the way back into their lair. I also ordered a complete replacement set for all its rollers. That was a good thing, since after a few loads, the front rollers began to make a new and more concerning noise. It runs, but it complains constantly and loudly. I think I hear a little screeching, too. My replacement parts have not come yet.

And, then there was the failed control board in our dishwasher. I repaired that a while ago, and it still works. Then the microwave failed, and I had to replace it. These two appliances were about four years old, not old enough to fail. But they did.

I can’t really call Leah’s back problem a failure, but I suppose in some ways it was. She had a laminectomy on December 21 to try to alleviate the nerve pain that was shooting down her left leg. She is still having pain, two months later. I don’t know how much of that is the result of her not following the post-op instructions (Don’t bend, lean, or twist!). Not all back surgeries are successful. So far, hers has not been.

The most recent problem may or may not be related to her back condition. A few days ago we were talking in the kitchen, standing on either side of the island table in the middle of the kitchen, when she took a half step backwards, and then fell like a cut tree. She sat down in the floor really hard, and ended up leaning against the kitchen cabinet under the sink. We got her back onto her feet, and she seemed OK.

Then I noticed that one of the cabinet doors was crooked. She had fallen back and hit her head on the door. It tore one hinge out of the frame, bent the other hinge, and broke part of the door frame itself. A day or so later I noticed a big, dark bruise on her bottom. The scariest part was the possibility of having done some serious harm to her back, but so far that seems not to have happened.

As it turns out, breaking the door was lucky for her. The door took most of the force of the impact, all of which would have been absorbed by her head had she hit something harder. If she had been standing one pace further back, her head might well have hit the edge of the counter top, and that could have been very serious, indeed.

I ordered two new hinges for the cabinet door last week. They came Saturday. On Monday I put the new hinges on and rehung the door. Here it is, halfway done.

I needed everything you see on the table, including the paper towel with a few blood stains. Sticking a sharp new chisel into your palm might not seem to be a likely way to injure yourself, but I managed.

I had to drill out the screw that held the bottom hinge to the cabinet frame because it broke off from the impact. Then I had to fill that hole with epoxy so I could put a new screw in.

So far the cabinet repair seems to be successful. I just wish Leah’s recovery could be that successful.

A trip down memory lane

When I was just a boy, back in 1961, my parents took me and my brother out of public schools and enrolled us in Darlington School, a private boys’ prep school in Rome. Thinking back, I realize it was because Rome schools were just starting to be integrated. I think they were afraid there would be violence, as there had been in other Southern towns. That didn’t happen, fortunately, but we still went to Darlington.

Darlington was not a segregation academy like so many that appeared in the South in those days. However, in addition to being all boys, it was also all white.

It was founded in 1905, and had a pretty decent reputation for academics. The public schools did not, so Darlington insisted that every student that started the fall had to go to summer school to make sure they were ready for sixth grade.

In those days, Darlington affected a sort of English-inspired terminology. Grades six through eight were the Lower Forms, and nine through twelve were the Upper Forms. I was in the first class to go through all three years of the Lower Forms in the brand-new Junior School. My brother Henry started in ninth grade in the Upper Forms.

I was not a great student. OK, but not great. I was not a happy student, either. I was a little uncooperative in some ways, and oblivious to most of what was going on around me. I made my way through the Junior School, then on to High School, just middling along. And then, somehow, I started doing better. I was surprised a few years ago when Henry was recording his memories after his pancreatic cancer diagnosis, when he mentioned that he noticed when I started doing better in school. He also mentioned that I had been, as I mentioned before, uncooperative in some ways. I had no idea that anyone could possibly have noticed.

I ended up pretty close to the top of my class, below a couple of guys who thoroughly deserved to be ranked higher than me.

Those years were probably formative for me, although I persisted in being oblivious to a lot of that. It was easy to be submerged in a culture where academics were valued as a matter of course, and everyone was expected to go to college. I never studied as hard in three different colleges as I did at Darlington. There was no academic shock when I started college. It was only in graduate school that courses became harder than at Darlington.

After I left Darlington, I didn’t maintain any kind of contact with the school or my classmates, other than my friend Dan, Leah’s brother. I ran a race on the cross country course at my 15th class reunion, and a few years later I took some books that a friend was disposing of to the new school library. But for the most part, Darlington has been a part of my past that I didn’t think about or miss.

I have seldom seen anyone I knew from Darlington. I saw one of my favorite teachers, Gordon Neville, at a cross country meet that my nephew ran in sometime in the ’90’s. I saw another teacher at the barber shop about 20 years ago.

And then on Wednesday I saw one of my old teachers in the parking lot at Lowes. I walked up to his car and he rolled down the window. It was history teacher Jack Summerbell. His hair was thinning and gray, and his eyebrows were wild and white, but it was still him. We spoke for a few minutes. Neither of us had been back to Darlington for years. He said the school was unrecognizable. For some reason a few days earlier I had GoogleEarthed Darlington, and I knew what he meant. The old buildings from my day looked small and lost among all the new buildings. What had been open, grassy fields were home to dormitories. My brand-new Junior School had been demolished and replaced with new buildings. Nothing looked the same.

And Gordon Neville died last year from Alzheimers.

In fact, almost all the teachers I knew at Darlington are dead now.

It has been nearly 53 years since I graduated from Darlington. I do not want to see it now. I prefer to remember it as it was; all the teachers are young, and so am I.


Unfortunately, in the last few years Darlington has been most widely known because of sexual abuse accusations against at least one teacher. The accusations that ended up in various news reports were about a teacher who came after I graduated. One of the worst things I learned is that a few students reported to school officials that they had been molested, but the officials did nothing. I have to wonder whether anything like that went on when I was there. As I said, I was oblivious to a lot of things, and also pretty naive. It could easily have happened, and I might never have been aware.

A lawsuit was filed a few years ago. I don’t know its status today.

Cat shots

Time for some cat photos!

First, cats, as you all know, spend a lot of time sleeping. Some would say that’s for the best. Here Mollie poses for a sleep shot – we call it “Cats in Jammies”.

What with the pandemic and all, Mollie spends most of the time in her jammies. In fact, she’s always in her jammies, pandemic or no.

She doesn’t know, or possibly doesn’t care, that the comforter she’s lying on has wolves on it.

Cats also spend a lot of time wandering the house, looking for places to flop down for a nap. This time she found the floor.

She’s waiting for me to leave her bedroom.

We’ve had a fire pretty much constantly for weeks. Mollie is pretty sure we made it for her.

She normally pays no attention to the fire, but she wanted to make sure it was going good. And there she is, but will she put another log on the fire? Will she clean up the ashes around the front of the stove? Why no, no she won’t, and thanks for asking. As soon as she’s sure the fire is going well enough, she’ll lie down facing away so she can roast her ample backside.

And that’s all the news in photos for “At Home with Mollie.” Tune in again for “On the Front Porch with Dusty and Chloe” and later, “At Home and On the Road with Sylvester.”


Leah and I were on our way to a doctor’s appointment Friday morning when we saw a strange cloud formation. We got enough glimpses to get a good idea of what it looked like, but we didn’t have time to stop. When we got to the doctor’s office, the hospital across the street blocked most of the view, but I was able to get this picture.

The clouds we saw on the way had circular holes opening into blue sky above the cloud cover, and wispy streaks of falling ice crystals inside the hole. You can see a hint of that in the right edge of the image above, and what might be the start of another opening immediately over the hospital on the left. This might also be an oblique view where the falling ice crystals hide the blue sky.

This phenomenon is called a fallstreak hole, or a punch hole cloud. This is one of many fallstreak hole images you can find online.

You can see the roughly circular hole with clear sky above, and the ice crystals falling from the hole.

Both of the local TV stations we watched Friday night showed images of these fallstreak holes taken by viewers. It’s rare enough that the Sacramento (Ca) Bee reported on it in their online publication.

These odd formations are caused by a combination of the right weather conditions and the presence of an airplane to fly through. The clouds are middle to high altitude cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds formed from supercooled water drops. These drops are liquid water with a temperature below the normal freezing point. They require some kind of disturbance to cause them to freeze. That disturbance is provided by an airplane that flies through the cloud. According to some analysts, the changes in air pressure caused by the passage of the wing or by propellers can be enough to cause ice crystals to form. Others suggest that particles from jet engine exhaust provide ice nuclei to start the freezing process. The freezing droplets form crystals, which grow into even larger crystals. When they get big enough, they fall. If the cloud conditions are right, essentially all the droplets in a region of the cloud form crystals and fall, leaving a clear hole in the cloud. The hole grows outward as more ice crystals form from the initial disturbance. The holes can grow up to several tens of kilometers wide.

The holes can be circular, elliptical, or linear. Linear fallstreak holes are called canals. Fallstreak holes are also called hole punch, punch hole, sky punch, or cloud holes. The canal fallstreak holes are caused by an airplane that flies at a shallow angle through the clouds.

Fallstreak holes are sometimes visible from space. Here is a NASA image of fallstreak holes and canals over eastern Texas and Louisana in January 2007.

This was the first time I had ever seen a fallstreak hole in real life, although Robin had an image of what I assume was a fallstreak in one of her newdharmabums posts. According to NASA, altocumulus clouds are mostly composed of water droplets supercooled to a temperature of about -15C, and such clouds cover about 8 percent of Earth’s surface at any given time. It seems kind of odd that the right clouds are relatively common, and airplanes to fly though them seem pretty common, but the fallstreak holes themselves are so rare.

So that’s where it went

When Leah and I go somewhere without Zoe, if we happen to leave our slippers at the door, we can count on having a missing slipper when we get back home. When we look around, we usually find the slipper on Zoe and Sam’s bed, back in our bedroom. Sometimes it ends up in the room we use for an office, where Zoe sometimes goes to sulk. We have concluded that Zoe gets something of ours to comfort herself while we’re away. The slipper is never chewed.

If we put our slippers in the closet next to the back door, Zoe sometimes goes into our closet and takes a dirty sock or something else out. It ends up where the slipper would have been. It’s comical and kind of touching.

I have also been leaving two pairs of leather gloves next to the wood-burning stove in our living room. We came home one day and one glove was missing. Of course we thought Zoe had taken it back to her bed, but it wasn’t there. I looked everywhere I thought there was even a slight chance it could be. I looked in our bedroom, our closet, the bathrooms, the office, the spare bedroom, under the couch — no luck. I eventually gave up and figured I would find it some day, somewhere.

So I ended up with three gloves by the stove. No problem; I only have two hands.

And then one day when we came back home, I found this on the dog bed that’s in front of our couch.

Sam was chewing on it. Sam, unlike Zoe, is destructive when he picks out an object with sentimental value. His chewing seems to be normal doggie obsessive. He chews on his bed sometimes. He has ruined a couple that way. He has chewed on the bottom of the curtains next to their bed in our bedroom. He chews the tails off the cat’s little mousie toys. And, apparently, he chews the palms off of leather gloves.

I looked around for the chewed pieces of the glove, but never found them. I have to assume he swallowed them. And, I think that means he chewed the original missing glove and swallowed the whole thing.

So far he hasn’t shown any signs of digestive problems. I haven’t been inspecting his scat carefully, but it must have passed by now.

So now I keep my gloves on a table.