Friday Felines

Chowing down

Eating directly from the plate

Look, Mom,  no hands!

We were having salmon that night, and Zoe is like a cartoon cat when it comes to salmon. He got his own little plate. He did not get wine.

The cat-related things on the table include petroleum jelly for his paws (trying to control hairballs), and the cat discipliner (squirt! squirt! squirt!). If you had really good eyesight and if the picture was a little better you could see a table in the background with a carved coyote, a ceramic cat flower pot, and a picture of the cute little baby Zoe before we knew he was the son of Satan.


Friday Felines

Smokey puts up with a lot

Smokey puts up with a lot

Smokey puts up with a lot, and he seems to love it. He actually seems to enjoy some pretty vigorous brushing to get the knots out of his fur. None of the other cats are anywhere as even tempered as him.

Friday Felines

This is not an unusual pose for Sylvester. When he’s on our bed — and if he’s inside he’s pretty much on our bed — he does not like to be disturbed.

Great ball of cat
Great ball of cat

Another view. Still not disturbed.

I want to be alone
I want to be alone

If Mark keeps taking pictures, he will wake Sylvester up.

Sylvester, somewhat groggy
Sylvester, somewhat groggy

He was not happy*, and not quite awake.


* (Added by Mark) I cannot actually determine when a cat is happy. I don’t know the signs. Leah might be able to tell. I assume Sylvester is happy when he brings us a dead animal.