Friday Felines

We get the cats summer cuts when the weather starts getting warm. Here are Smokey and Zoe before their cuts.

Smokey and Zoe, all hairy

Smokey and Zoe, all hairy

Here’s Zoe after.

Zoe, crewcut

Zoe, crewcut

And here’s Smokey after his cut.

Smokey, with cut and lion mane and tail

Smokey, with cut and lion mane and tail

You can’t really see the mane unless you look from above.

Big-headed Smokey

Big-headed Smokey

Poor Smokey has been sneaking around in a crouch since he got back from the groomer. It was a traumatic experience for him.

Zoe has a pot belly you can see when his fur is cut, and so does Smokey. You can’t see Smokey’s in these pictures. That’s a concession to his self esteem. We think he’s embarrassed to be seen without his regular coat.

Sylvester also got a cut, but we don’t have a good before and after for him. He’s staying outside more now, so it’s hard to get him to pose.




Friday Felines



Zoe has been surprisingly cooperative when I give him his glaucoma eyedrops. The vet says glaucoma could lead eventually to blindness if not treated, and we think we can already tell that he is not seeing very well. We are not sure what to do, since the drops are not cheap, and it’s hard to give him just a single drop per eye twice a day.

Mark here: Leah doesn’t like to manhandle (cathandle?) Zoe, and that’s pretty much what it takes to get the drops into his eyes. I’m surprised at how well he takes this, though.

Friday Felines

Mother and son.

Chloe and Dusty

Chloe and Dusty

Chloe sometimes comes with us when we take the dogs for their last longish walk of the evening. Her coloring is just about perfect camouflage for the pine bark behind her. Her son Dusty never walks with us. He looks a lot like one of the rocks we use in the landscaping. Lying around like a rock is what he does mostly, when he’s not eating or running away from something.

Friday Felines

Zoe used to spend a lot of time sleeping in the bathtub. After a while he found new places to sleep. But recently he found the tub again.

Found him

Found him

Look at the long hair between the pads on his feet

Look at the long hair between the pads on his feet

He didn’t like being disturbed.

It's rude to stick your tongue out like that

It’s rude to stick your tongue out like that

He had had enough.

I'll just go find someplace else since it's getting so crowded in here

I’ll just go find someplace else since it’s getting so crowded in here




Friday Felines

Chloe sometimes comes in at night and sleeps on our bed. She gets affectionate right at bedtime. She jumps up on the bed and starts purring and kneading the blanket.

She likes her head rubbed

She likes her head rubbed

Mmmm. Feels good.

Mmmm. Feels good.