Friday Felines

Cats aren’t afraid of heights, but I’m afraid enough for both of us.

chloe on the high rail

Chloe climbs up on this high frame on the deck to get away from Smokey or Sylvester. Sometimes she actually runs along on top of it. I can hardly watch her. It’s more than 20 feet to the ground.

Friday Felines

Smokey found a high place to keep an eye on Dusty and Rusty.

Pole cat

Pole cat

He looks kind of neat sitting up there. I wish we could find a matching cat for the post on the other side of the walk.

Friday Felines

Sylvester got his summer cut this week. Here he is before.

unshaved sly

He looks like his regular, dignified, black, hairy self.

Here he is after his cut.

shaved sly

Doesn’t he look ridiculous, especially his tail. Mark thinks he looks like he’s wearing a gray sweatsuit and fuzzy black boots.