Time for some cat photos!
First, cats, as you all know, spend a lot of time sleeping. Some would say that’s for the best. Here Mollie poses for a sleep shot – we call it “Cats in Jammies”.
What with the pandemic and all, Mollie spends most of the time in her jammies. In fact, she’s always in her jammies, pandemic or no.
She doesn’t know, or possibly doesn’t care, that the comforter she’s lying on has wolves on it.
Cats also spend a lot of time wandering the house, looking for places to flop down for a nap. This time she found the floor.
She’s waiting for me to leave her bedroom.
We’ve had a fire pretty much constantly for weeks. Mollie is pretty sure we made it for her.
She normally pays no attention to the fire, but she wanted to make sure it was going good. And there she is, but will she put another log on the fire? Will she clean up the ashes around the front of the stove? Why no, no she won’t, and thanks for asking. As soon as she’s sure the fire is going well enough, she’ll lie down facing away so she can roast her ample backside.
And that’s all the news in photos for “At Home with Mollie.” Tune in again for “On the Front Porch with Dusty and Chloe” and later, “At Home and On the Road with Sylvester.”
Your kitty cats very cute. I’m sure they loved that you did a post about them. They love the fame.
Robin — They pretend they don’t care, but they’re always ready to pose for the paparazzi.