Gather ‘round, doggies and kitties, it’s Christmas Eve, and time for the Christmas story of a visit from …

Well, Zoe, it looks like no one else is interested, so I’ll tell you about the visit of St. Dogolas. The story has been told many times, to the dogs and cats here today, to the dogs and cats that are no longer with us, and maybe to dogs and cats yet to come. It goes like this:
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a …
Well, Zoe, you’re really supposed to be asleep, you and Sam both, but how can I tell you the story if you’re asleep?

Well, everyone seems to be asleep except me.

And you, Zoe.
Let’s forget the story. It’s late, but I’m going to stay awake to see whether St. Dogolas comes tonight, bringing doggy chews and cat treats for all the good little dogs and cats. And you can stay up, too Zoe. We’ll just wait here together to see. I’m sure he will be here tonight. He has come every other Christmas since, well, since a long time ago.
He’s chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf. I’m sure we’ll see him, if I say so myself.
Will he come to our house before we sleep? Let’s be careful and quite, not making a peep.

So he came by the house as we waited. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work.
… laying his paws aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle,
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

“ … and to all a good night!”
From Leah, Mark, Sam, Zoe, Sylvester, Chloe, Dusty and Mollie.
Tonight we remember all the animals who are no longer with us.

Such a lovely post, Mark. Merry Christmas to you, Leah, and all your delightful friends there.
Quite a gallery of lost friends!
Hope the holidays were warm and bright for you. (60 degrees here with four grands for the big day.)
Robin — I hope you all were well over the holidays.
Paul — We certainly have lost a few of our furry friends since we moved up on the mountain. It was warm here, too, and it continues to be warm. It’s almost 5 pm here on December 29, and it’s 65 degrees.