The full moon was September 13, which just happened to be a Friday. This was shortly after moonrise. It was cloudy.

The color in the clouds was there, but not really visible to the naked eye. I let my camera take whatever exposure it wanted to. That resulted in an exposure about a second or two long, which allowed the colors to be seen in the image.
The clouds were not moving quickly, but eventually the moon came out.

I tried to take similar photos of the full moon here. My camera would not cooperate. The moon and sky looked so much like this. I thought there may have even bit a hint of a corona or iridescence around the moon, but my camera wouldn’t do it. I need a new camera.
Robin — My camera is a fairly old model of an Olympus, EPL7. To take this shot I put it on a tripod and used the self timer to take the picture. There is a way to manually set aperture and exposure, but I haven’t mastered that yet.