It’s been far too long since we posted a bunch of cat photos, so here goes.
Silly cat games: which leg is this? Or did Sylvester grow a leg sticking out of the front of his chest?
It’s been a long day, full of eating, sleeping and … well, sleeping.
Toaster ovens are nice to sit behind.
Why do cats like to drink nasty water from a house plant? In Mollie’s case, it’s because the water is the same color as her coat, and she really, really likes her coat.
“Don’t be shy, little kitty. You have a beautiful coat. Almost as beautiful as mine.”
The back of a couch is a good place to sleep. But then, pretty much any place is a good place to sleep.
“Here’s the fierce vulture sitting on a tree limb waiting for a victim …”
Smokey and Mollie like to play, but Smokey likes to lie down even more than he likes to play.
Mollie on the bed in the guest bedroom.
The Teddy Bear is Leah’s from 60-plus years ago. She remembers her family having three sisters from a local orphanage for Christmas many years ago. The youngest saw her Teddy and picked it up. She called it “her Teddy Bar.” Leah still feels a little guilty about not giving it to the girl, but, after all, Leah was just a little girl herself.
Adorable cat photos! They are a frolicking bunch, aren’t they! Sweet and touching story about Leah’s Teddy Bar, and so kind of her parents to bring children from an orphanage to their home for Christmas.
Robin — It’s hard not to take a good picture of cats. They’re photogenic, and they tend to do silly things. At least silly to us. They’re probably very important in the cat world.