Neighbor John has cleared a large area around where our new house will go, from almost the back property line to a little beyond where the front of the house will sit. He has uprooted and hauled away around 10 dump-truck loads of tree debris and has scraped the whole area clean.
I last saw the lot on Friday; so much had changed that it was hard to get my bearings. The tree I selected a few weeks ago as the central point was gone. In preparation for the clearing I had put in some stakes away from where I expected the clearing to take place. There were two sets of stakes. I set them so that each set defined a line, and if you put yourself at the point where the lines intersected, you would be at the left rear corner of our future house. When I stood there on Friday, nothing looked familiar.
John worked late on Saturday. When I went to the lot on Sunday, it looked so different from Friday that it was hard to get my bearings again. This is a panorama taken from near the rear of the cleared area, looking first to the north into Little Texas Valley through the trees. You can actually see into the valley better than it looks from this photo. The radio tower in the center of the photo is on Lavender Mountain at the other end of Lavender Trail. Rome is behind the trees just to the left of the truck. Although it’s not visible in the photo, there is a view of the western part of town roughly where the truck cab is. I think some judicious tree cutting will give us a pretty good view of town. Unfortunately the view into Texas Valley will disappear when the trees leaf out. That part of the view is through trees on someone else’s property, so we can’t cut any of them to improve the view. Click to embiggen.
There is a lot of clearing left to do. The driveway will take a different path from the current drive, so there will be clearing to the right of the photo. The area for the septic system leach field will be cleared, which should open up the view towards town.
I have found someone to turn our house drawings into plans that the inspection department should accept. John remembered the number of a surveyor who can mark our back property line and provide a site plan, which is one of the requirements for a building permit. The next step is to find someone to do the soil testing required for the septic system; that’s another requirement for the permit.
There is one more important call to make. We have to get a street address.