Sunset skies

As I have mentioned before, we don’t have a clear view of the west, so we have to look at what the sunset is doing to other parts of the sky. We saw this a few days ago.


This is looking down Wildlife Trail next to our driveway towards Rome.

We also saw this.

blue beam

I don’t know exactly what caused this since we couldn’t see the sky behind us, where the sun was setting, but I have to assume there were clouds that cast shadows across the sky and clouds that we could see. I’m going to make another assumption that the two shadows were caused by different clouds or different parts of the same cloud, since they appear to be different widths and shadowing different parts of the sky. It’s odd-looking, almost like a blue beam shooting across the sky. I have seen this phenomenon before, but never with a good view to the west to actually see what’s causing it.