Some sunrises are dramatic and some are not. This morning’s was not dramatic, but it was nice.
The fog was not as thick down in the valley as in the previous post, but there was some there. It was 68 up on the mountain when we got up. When I drove down into the lowlands, it was 64, a nice inversion. Inversions with fairly high humidity are self limiting, because radiation fog tends to form when the air cools enough. The temperature can’t drop much more once the fog forms.
Coming home last night, there were several places (the usual places) where the car ran through some nicely layered fog banks. I have been wondering how to photograph this, at night. For us here near Athens, much lower than you, fog is usually radiation fog, and much more subtle than the dramatic fog you’ve shown us.
Lovely sunrise shot.
I don’t like the actual getting up early, but I kind of like being up early. Sunrises are a good reason for that.
Tuesday morning when I left for Huntsville it was still foggy, but from the valley it didn’t look foggy. I think the fog didn’t reach the ground, so it just looked like a cloudy sky when I looked up.