I have had to wave a stick in front of my face when I walk the dogs into the woods lately. It’s not to ward off lions, although it seems to do that, but to keep the spider webs off my face. I see big, old wolf spiders running across the driveway. They aren’t quite big enough to hunt cats yet, but I almost expect to hear their footsteps as they run. I see their eight tiny eyes glinting in the beam of my flashlight when I take the dogs for their last walk of the evening. They seem to be everywhere now.
A few days ago we discovered that a spider had woven its web right outside our front door. Of course we discovered it by running into it.

Spidey outside the door
I misted the web with our cat corrector, but it’s really hard to photograph a spiderweb with a bright background. Here it is from the other direction. Not much better here.

Watch your head
You can tell that it’s right at head height as we come out the door. I’m going to ask it to clean the boards around our front door during the day when it’s usually inactive.
Another spider recently started its web between the high posts at the end of our front walk, where we mounted the gate that was supposed to keep Zeke on the walk, but which he climbs to chase foxes. You can see the tops of the posts in the first picture. That web is high, but there are some anchor lines that run down right where we walk.
Having to pull invisible spider webs off of your face is a little annoying, but I like having the spiders around anyway.