The little crippled fox has been eating cat food in the driveway for some time now. It was looking pretty scruffy, so on Monday we gave in and have started putting dog food out in a bowl a little distance from where the outside cats eat. We thought the fox ate the food Monday night, but it was too late and too dark to be sure. Tonight we got confirmation.
But I didn’t get a shot of the really good part. Before this, Leah’s cat Zoe was chasing the fox around in the driveway. From the kitchen window Zoe looked almost as large as the fox. The fox was definitely trying to stay away from Zoe, but it didn’t look like she took it too seriously. She certainly wasn’t going to leave the food.
One of our neighbors told us tonight that her critter cam has caught this fox and one kit recently. She said her husband has seen more than one kit, but that was some time ago. The critter cam has also caught a coyote within the last couple of months, so it’s possible the one kit is the only survivor.
She also told us her camera has caught Zeke a couple of times when he has gotten loose.
I noticed that the fox was putting its bad foot on the ground tonight when it stood or sat. It still holds it up when it moves. The injury is more than a month old, so I don’t know whether it means anything positive or not.
It’s difficult to know what to do. Your head says to let nature take its course, but your heart says you should help the poor animal. (I’d be feeding it like crazy!)
I would have done the same thing. A little assistance during a rough time is okay. You and Leah have kind hearts.